Sunday, April 25, 2010

updates, a bit of a review, and a sour face

no, i still have not gone back to the pilates center, but i promise i will by next week.  call me a liar if i don't, i give you that opportunity. =D

i don't remember if i already 'fessed up about my trying out Xenical, but i did, since about a week or 2 ago.  i officially started it when the monthly thing started.  i was thinking since i'll be wearing pads, might as well hit 2 birds with one stone [he he, i'm grossing myself out, blechh]

true enough It [Xenical] did its thing and because i did not lay off on the oily and fatty food... you get it.

but it's too much work, having to change every so often, and the fear of you know what coming out of you know where is way too much added tension on my already stressful day.  so, i've decided that i'll only take It during that week in the month.  i don't know if it will still be effective but so far i'm liking what i'm seeing in the mirror.

what i've replaced it with is the new korean tea i'm drinking before going to bed at night, and my morning calamansi shot [15 squeezed, straight up].

the calamansi thing is an advise that i've been getting every so often from way back.  it resurfaced when my recently married friend said that she took 20 every morning and still ate regularly .  her whistle-worthy figure in her wedding dress [mind you, no corsets involved] was major motivation to try it out.  i'm on day 2 now and it's not as bad nor as mukhasim as you think.  try it, i'm starting with fifteen, on an empty stomach, not even water.  i'll move it up to 20 on monday.  undesirable side effects?  so far only one, no upset stomachs, no queasiness, just the super sour taste which will give you a super sour face for a few seconds.  drink up!

sour-faced girl borrowed from here

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

going over the top

oh yes!  i can scrap out project number 2 from my list of things to do.  i just bought 7 tops in less than 20 minutes this morning, while waiting for my rush i.d. pictures to be processed.  i've been planning to get my self some decent looking clothes but kept putting it off for fear of disappointment and frustration.

for those who are physique-cally challenged like me, you will get my apprehension.  so, nevermind if i made a huge hole in my already hole-ly pocket.  do you ever have 'its-not-my-day' days?  you know, those days when you try on more than a dozen shirts and blouses and nothing fits right or looks good even if you manage to get them past your shoulders or your chest?  i've got plenty of days like that.  so imagine the exhilaration i had when each and every single thing i put on looked good to me.  well, i'm still far from the figure i so long to have but atleast i will look a bit nice most of the time now.  i'll not have to wear the hubby's shirts anymore, thanks be!

i'm feeling gooooood.

i now spend a few minutes to prep my face before going out, i make sure to run a comb through my hair every now and then  and now i can stand tall and proud because my undies feel great and my outies look feminine and comfy at the same time.

now, i must get my lazy butt back to the center and renew my pilates program.  yipee!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

starting from under

i think i tried on more than a dozen brassieres yesterday.  i finally had the courage to go on 'the-perfect-bra-for-me' hunt. my self-renovation project made me make 360 degree turn at how i dressed up.  before, i kept buying the cheap, shapeless clothes, including my undies.  now i realized that i can motivate myself even more if i dressed better.  so i decided to start from under.

i knew it was gonna take some time and effort so i braced myself for a lot of disappointments.  and yes a string of bras, many of which were either ill-fitting or did not even go past my shoulders made me want to explore going bra-less for once.

my first stop was triumph which was the most reasonably priced among the tried and tested ones.  alas, after many attempts i sadly shook my head at the oh-so-helpful saleslady.  they had everything else but my size, an 85c.

looking past ridiculously-priced maidenform, i checked out jockey.  i ended up buying plenty panties but still no bra for me.  even their sportsbra collection couldn't put up with my over-sized pair [please don't think i'm bragging.  if i could, i'd give away half of each bosom.  that's 4 years of back pain talking.

i was about to call it a disappointing day when i espied three buxom women chatting with the wacoal saleslady.  when i was young and vain, i made sure i had atleast a set of wacoal undies, i loved the fit and the girly lace they came in.  they were pricey but they were worth it.

this time though i checked out their t-shirt bra collection which were plain, no frills, no lace.  i happily discovered that there were no extra pads nor underwires.  i flipped it and gasped at the P1Kplus price.  but i was tempted to try it on.  maidenform costs twice as much, and their items don't even look half as good [the ones on display anyway].  so i went ahead and tried it on.  it couldn't have fit me more perfectly.  the best thing was it stayed put and didn't ride up my chest no matter how much i twisted and turned.

the wacoal lady confirmed that it was their bestselling style, she tipped me on how to launder it to make them last long.  so i finally discovered the secret of those chubby mommies who looked yummy instead of flabby.  thanks to my new wacoals, i no longer have to pull at my sides to adjust the fit every now and then.  its so comfy and soft but with a firm hold at the same time.

now on to my next project.  find the right fitting tops. tips on where to find them, anyone?

Friday, April 16, 2010

the lowdown on my CARNIPURE experience

because i heard and read a lot of rave reviews about it, i went ahead and bought a bottle of carnipure to help hasten my weight-loss.  i've finished that bottle, took it twice a day as recommended.  alas, i have not noticed any change.

if you google it, you will find out that it is primarily for people who are low on energy but a happy side-effect is it helps in your weight loss.  i checked out blogs about it and interviewed some friends who are taking it, and most reported dramatic weight loss saying that it makes 'going' in the morning, a breeze.

the thing is, the opposite happened to me.  well, not exactly the opposite as i did not gain back weight but my mornings have not been 'productive' .  what is worst is that i have gone back to not 'going' everyday.

so yes i am disappointed.  but i also will not gripe about it.  it's just one of those things that do not work for me [or my sister, and her hubby for that matter].

moving on, i've had some new discoveries that i'm now trying out.  one is in pill form and the other comes in a tea bag.  i'm trying out the tea first.  will report progress if there is any in about a week or two. =D