Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mastercleanse Days 2 & 3

So. first things first.  today is day 3 and i weighed myself as soon as i woke up.  i'm down to 160.4 lbs., the lighter side of me since i can remember. =p  i also took my waist measurements.  the narrowest part measured 35 inches, meaning i lost 1 inch.  but the lower part did not budge, so my belly is still very much with me.  he he.

for those of you [about 32 of you, if sitemeter is doing it's job correctly], who are just tuning in, i am on my 10-day Mastercleanse detox diet.  you can check in on why and how i began this on my "I'm back!"  post here.

so, onto my report...

Day 2
yesterday was pretty busy up until i went home at about 5 pm so whenever i felt hungry i would just gulp down a few swigs of the juice and went on my busy day.  All in all yesterday was a lot better than day 1.  forgive me but i cannot say anything more about day 2, i'll explain in a bit...

Day 3
it's a holiday today so i had a lot of time on my hands.  this doesn't mean that there wasn't any work to do, i have yet to tick off a single item in my to-do-list.  but i decided to take it easy as my daughter has been complaining in a major way how i always am on the pc, working, and that i never play with them.  I can write a whole other post about this part of my life but it does not belong here so i won't.

i've been feeling a bit light-headed today, just a wee bit. so i don't remember anything else about yesterday. =P  i am not as hungry as the first day or probably yesterday but i feel a bit strange, i can't explain it.  i do not feel weak, i do not feel tired, i do not feel like i'm starving.  it's more like how you feel when you lack sleep.  it's weird because i had more than my fair share of 8 hours, so why feel like this?

i read somewhere that when you are on the cleanse your body rids yourself of toxins and it's [your body] going to tell you what you need.  and maybe that's just it.  i don't get much sleep, HAVE NOT GOTTEN MUCH SLEEP SINCE 5 YEARS AGO, when i first gave birth to my daughter, lol!

anyways, i also missed food today. nothing specific in particular, and i do not miss food like i want to gobble up everything in sight.  i just miss tasting different textures in my mouth, different tastes.  i'm kinda tired of the juice.  i think when this batch of calamansi runs out, i'm switching to lemons.

I also have to drink more water.  i hardly drink any.  and tomorrow morning i'm doing the dreaded salt water flush. =P

sorry for this crappy post but i really don't feel like writing right now. i hope i'll be in a better state of "write" tomorrow, Day 4.  till then...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mastercleanse Day 1

So, yesterday i started the 10-Day Detoxification process called the Mastercleanse.

If you read my last post i said i tried to do it for 2 days just to see if i could stand not eating anything solid and still be able to go about my normal routine.  i said it was a breeze and that i felt energized the whole time.

yesterday was not as easy as the first time.  i actually felt hungry often and at times almost forgot i was on the cleanse and thought about where to take my lunch... Good thing i did not totally forget and was able to continue the day successfully.  The drink solved the hunger problem.  Running out of it while away from home made me feel weak.  and what i forgot when i did it the first time was that i had to pee a million times.  It was like i was purging out all the excess water in my body!  it was annoying to have to go to the bathroom so many times but i knew it was doing my body good.  and , warninng: TMI... my pee was aplenty and as clear as water. =D [you were warned. =P]

i weighed myself as soon as i woke up yesterday and found that i was on my heavier side. =P  a whopping 165.4lbs.  what i forgot to do was measure my waist so i did that this morning.  i made 2 measurements:

  • the narrowest part of the waist : [brace yourselves] 36 inches
  • 1 inch above the belly button: [hold on to your seats] 38 inches
aargh.  i did not want to share that.  but i have to, for record purposes, as i am sure to have forgotten the numbers in 10 days time. =P

i also weighed myself this morning and my scale said: 162.4lbs. Tadaaa!  that's 3 pounds of water or pee, ewww, gross!  i wonder how many liters that means.. can you convert pounds to liters? ;)

i am well aware that whatever i lose during the 10 days can come back a hundredfold.  but i am hoping that the cleansing part of this diet will help me clean up my act and really start eating healthy, read: stay off processed food and drinks!

so i am arming myself with more of the juice today and hope that today will be better than yesterday.  =D

Sunday, November 27, 2011

back where i started =D

apparently, i've come full circle, ha ha.  i really missed this blog.  to be honest, trying to be cool over there with the cool kids at tumblr just didn't work out for me.  ha ha.  well, when you are 40, trying to be cool is totally uncool.  =P

anyhoo, just a quick update.  i'm stuck at 163 lbs, yo-yo-ing between 160 and 165 but mostly at 163.  been here for about too long than i should be [since June 2011, aarghh!] .  so i'm gonna change all that, yep, for the nth time, but i pray to God, with the i-hope-it's-really-gonna-workout-better-this-time-on-bended-knees kind of pleading.

my latest strategy, is not just aimed at weight loss but over-all detoxification. because skipping rice, sugar, softdrinks, for 2 weeks did not work like magic as it used to when i was half my age.  and  i think i need it.  40 years of eating all the crap that tasted oh so good but now feels oh so heavy [mainly on the belly] need to be purged off my system. i'm talking about doing the mastercleanse.  all of the recommended 10 days of it.

but before i talk about it, just to make sure i get this blogging thing straight for whoever is reading, since there are SOME people [i couldn't believe it myself but sitemeter does not lie, right? right?] who still visited this blog even when i stopped and moved over to where the cool kids are at.

why on earth i wanted to join them kids, i cannot think for the life of me now. =P but hey, don't get me wrong.  it's great over there too, and i met really nice people, learned a lot from them and got motivated with their successes and the support and push they gave me.  it's just me, of course.  i decided, i should come back here and finish this thing once and for all. =D

Soooooo, my last post was here where i said i was moving back to here.  but i never did. So, i'm back here. [whew, that was way too many heres.  but i hope you follow. [pun, super intended] =p

and yes, i missed writing long posts and i'm just the kind of girl who likes to round things up, and finish whatever i started.  and i MISS blogger.  because this is where the REALLY COOL ONES are at.  ha ha!

so back to my new strategy.  i first heard about it [yes believe me, i just learned about it, even if it has been existing for longer than i have, more than 50 years they say] from my mom, who gave me not one but 2 newspaper clippings of 2 different women who tried out the mastercleanse aka the lemonade diet.  Gina gave a day by day account of her experience and Lucy wrote about the struggle with food temptations and the beautiful effects of finishing the detox process.

honestly, it took a few days for me to even consider seriously reading about it.  10 days without anything solid seemed an impossible hurdle, especially for a person like me who lives to eat.  it's my most favorite thing to do.  ha ha!

but when my mom urged me to try it, i began researching on it and the more i learned about it, the more i wanted to see if it was really possible.

So last week, 2 days before the hubby arrived, i decided to try it out.  i said i will do it for 2 days, just to see if i can really go on my day normally sans solid food.  and i was amazed with my experience.  i actually went through those 2 days without food --> feeling great!  here's what happened:

  • i drank a minimum of 60 oz. of the juice per day.  i used calamansi instead of lemon since they are much cheaper and much easier to squeeze [i do not have any kind of lemon squeezer contraption].  i had nothing but the drink and alkaline water.
  • whenever i'd feel hungry, i would drink a glass or 2 of the juice and i was good to go.
  • it was not difficult at all.  i even had to supervise a baking class, got presented with irresistible baked goods, but, i had no desire to eat even one morsel.
  • the best part? i felt energized through out, i felt light on m my feet, and the first night, i got sleepy early [i'm a night owl] and i woke up early, REFRESHED [something that does not happen at all! i usually wake up and get up from bed reluctantly, with a heavy heart and butt =P]
i know, i know.  2 days are not 10 days, and it well could have been the usual first-day-high.  and maybe being busy with a gazillion things to do got my mind off food.

and Lucy and and a bunch of others say the 4th day is the hardest.  i realize 10 days are not a joke but if the first 2 days were a breeze, maybe i have hope.

so tomorrow, i start on the detox for the long haul - 10 days.  i expect to lose a bit of weight, which i might just gain back when i finish with the 10 days  but i'm more after that great, energized feeling of being healthy.  knowing you're doing something right for your body.  i think it is high time!

i also read that the mastercleanse is a good way to start a healthier eating lifestyle, which i think is what i really need to be doing the most.  i'm never going to lose the remaining 30 lbs. if i do not change my eating habits for the better.  yes, i'm aiming for 130 lbs.  125 seems too far away [read: unrealistic] at this point in time. =D

and i'm afraid to go to the doctor because i think diabetes, hypertension, and a worser case of asthma is just around the corner so i think this is the next best thing to do right now.  maybe i'll  have the courage to get a health check when i've taken better care of my body.  whatever.  i'm just so going to do this.

tomorrow is Day 1.