this, i first posted in my friendster blog. i'm reviving it here as i need all the tools i can get to help me. as of the present, i'm still inclined to take the 'diet pill' road. i feel so pathetic, there is not one ounce of will power left in me. and i am doubly discouraged to read that back in December 2006, i only needed to lose 25 lbs. that means i doubled my weight gain. i must look horrible. i can't even look in the mirror without saying 'yuck!' why isn't the mirror enough motivation?
December 18, 2006 - 5:40 pm.
Dr. Phil's Goal Getters
I used to be reed-thin. "Used to be" was when I was a child. I would eat anything I wanted without gaining an ounce. When I turned 14 I suddenly "bloomed" into a chubby teenager. It was as if everything I ate since childhood manifested itself in my still growing body. Since then I’ve had an on and off affair with all the diets you can imagine. Name it, I’ve tried it. From not eating rice for months to the healthier calorie-counting, I would lose most of the weight but as expected, gain it all back and more when I stopped dieting. I also became a gym freak. I think it became an obsession because I once landed in the hospital due to severe asthma attack caused by over fatigue (2 hours of work-out, twice a day, everyday).
Of course after all that, I realized that the key to a great-looking body is really simple. It means living a healthy lifestyle, which in turn means: healthy food intake + regular and proper exercise. But, then simple, in this case doesn't mean easy. No matter how many magazine articles I read about fitness and health, no matter how many silent resolutions I make to start working on it, and how many frequent unpleasant jolts I get when I see my reflection, nothing seems to work. I still have not found that "kick" i need in order to really convert.
So here I am again for the nth time trying to change my lifestyle so I can get to that elusive goal. This time I want it more than just to have a praise-worthy body. I want to slim down for better reasons, so I can feel better about myself and live long enough to take care of my family well. I hope this plan from Dr. Phil will work, because if it won't, I don't know anymore what will.
Mapping out the Plan (August 7, 2006, Monday)
Describe your measurable goal(s)
I want to lose 25 pounds and help encourage and inspire my husband to eat healthy so we both will live (as I hope it is in God's plan) to see our baby grow up, have a successful, fulfilling, and happy life, and give us grandkids whom we will shamelessly spoil.
Express your goal in terms of specific behaviors and feelings
I want to lose 25 pounds because I want to feel good about my body again. I want to be able to wear the kind of clothes I like. I want to feel more alive and energetic so that I can keep up with my growing daughter and be able to play with her without getting tired easily.
Describe what you will do
1. I will eat slower than I usually do to give my body the chance to recognize that I’ve had enough before its too late.
2. I will control my cravings for sweets by eating only two servings on any given day.
3. I will consume at most, 1/2 cup of rice or two slices of bread every time I eat.
4. I will eat a maximum of 6 times a day: 3 smaller main meals and 3 snacks.
5. I will not drink sodas that are not of the lite, diet, or sugar-free variety.
6. I will spin (ride our stationary bike) everyday starting with 5 minutes a day, increasing the time period till I reach 30 minutes without feeling that I’m about to die of exhaustion.
7. When spinning becomes easy for me, I will start lifting weights.
Describe how you want to feel when you reach your goal
I want to feel happy and proud of myself for reaching my goal. I want to feel that I will be able to control my eating and exercise habits so asto be able to maintain being healthy for life.
Assign a timeline
I want to reach my goal at the latest by my daughter’s first birthday which means...
Break your goals into manageable steps
... I must lose a minimum of 5 pounds a month.
Create accountability
I will ask my mother to tell me if I look better and healthier at least once every two weeks, and to be my "food police" when necessary. I will check my progress by regularly weighing myself.
Work on them until you have what you want
I will review this plan everyday until it becomes second nature to me to follow it and I will jump start this plan by spinning now.
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