Saturday, May 1, 2010


yesterday i polished off half a pint of fruity yogurt, for breakfast i ate all of the remaining cottage cheese, the tub was still about half full.  and now 'm eating a cup of yogurt ice cream.

and that's just the healthy stuff.  i don't wanna report on the bad ones.  what's wrong with me.  where is my will.  today is the last day to sign up for pilates again, or else i'm officially a liar.

and it's only five more days till my brother's wedding.  my deadline is looming and i'm nowhere near my goal weight.

i have plenty excuses, plenty reasons to give myself a break.  with the kind of life i have right now, my weight is the last thing i should be worried about.

i must push on.  when do i lick this comfort food default mode.  when the going gets tough why do i reach for ice cream?


  1. because ice cream makes us feel good.. hehehe.. you can do it.. one baby step at a time.

  2. baby steps... i wish i were a giant. then i'll be thinner by leaps and bounds, hu hu hu...
