Thursday, August 19, 2010

i got noticed

somebody finally noticed that i've lost a bit of weight.  maybe because i wore something not so loose and figure friendly and not to mention dark-colored. =P

of course i was happy.  it was confirmation that it wasn't just my imagination, playing tricks on me.  nor was i imagining that my 3 pairs of jeans have become really loose, i don't like wearing them anymore.

so brown rice did its work, the zytrim, at 15mg a day dosage helped a lot too, and so did the twice weekly pilates sessions. and maybe consciously saying no to empty sugars, stopping eating when i am short of feeling full helped too.

so yay! i'm kinda doing cartwheels in my head right this minute. =D


  1. way to go Chiar.. slowly but surely.. better than abrupt weight loss then you get gain it right back..just focus on the goal and you'll get there in no time.. =)

  2. thank you dearies! it does feel good. =D

    i still have a long way to go though, and must NOT BACKSLIDE! [do you hear that, self? do you hear that??!!]
