Friday, October 8, 2010

three things

  1. i gained weight instead of losing it.  i gained 5 pounds in 1 week.  this better be pms or else i'm gonna blame it on the cardio work-outs. [of course i can't blame it on the food i've been ingesting]
  2. my left knee still hurts, but i'm gonna do the treadmill just the same, tomorrow.
  3. i made a deal with the hubby, starting tomorrow, we start eating healthy.  and no complaining allowed!
  4. i'm going to go crazy if i gain another 5 pounds when the week ends.

okay, that's 4 things.  i'm just so mad right now.

p.s.  pilates was a breeze today.  of course i still thought i was gonna die after each set but i definitely cursed less. 


  1. the things we do for health.. i fell again.. the pangus that was half healed is now pangus nasad.. hu hu..

  2. OMG, i cringed and actually felt the pain when i read that... pahulay sa Mai. i wasn't able to do thing #2. i went purchasing in the morning and that alone made my knee throb. i'm gonna try floor exercises today.

  3. aw, that's such a tough thing!! i know how hard that can be--i hope you keep up hope!
